Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The joys of php

If you can get the basic script up and running on your site, it's worth it. What else can I say about this?

How about an example? I've got a basic php script that works a little bit like this:

*go to this folder and get content*
*post that content first as an image, then with this code using that image's filename*
repeat ad absurdum.

It looks a little bit like this:

myspacespiceshop.com/sitephp.txt **edit... link is broken. Site no longer exists.

I would have posted the code here... but I can't get it to disable on blogger. I'm such an awesome programmer, right?

Anyway, yoursite is your site's url, obviously, and the path after it would naturally be where you keep the pictures. With this code, I added some 26 pages of comments to the site pretty quickly. If you want to play around with it, feel free! This *relatively* simple program has made my life easier, and given me the opportunity to really dig into what I enjoy most, which is getting comments together, instead of building trivial page after page.

Don't get me wrong, site building is great, but site REbuilding is just annoying!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Discussion forums?

Ever tried them? By far, the best experience and worst experience I've had while looking for help were both found on forums. Forums are dynamic websites that you can go to, sign in, and leave messages with anyone who is a member. If you're looking for something specific, there's no better place than a well-traveled forum.

How can you find a well traveled forum? Tricky, considering most of that information is restricted to webmasters. A few tips to help you find the right community, though-

Go down the list. If you see one person who has made the last post in all of the columns, it's not a forum, it's a blog. If this person is updating regularly, great. You can go to them for whatever help you need, but expect that this will become less and less traveled without the right kind of traffic.

Check content. A forum with a great post count, but filled with spam, has been abandoned to the internet's lowest form of life, spammers. The most you can hope to find from this type of forum is a virus.

Warning levels/censorship. This is a personal pet peeve of mine. If the group over-moderates its content, it's going to feel a lot like being herded through a nazi death camp. Take what information you can get from them and run like hell.

Finally, if you've never run into him, you can expect to find him on a forum. It's the guy who takes things WAY too personally, and hates your guts. He probably hopes you'll kill yourself. People like this are all around, and it's the disconnected community of the internet that makes it that much easier for him to hate you. It's the internet. It's not serious business, so by all means mess with him back.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Beauty of CSS

Think external style sheets are a pain to learn? I'm about to redo all of my pages, which is as simple as going in and taking a template, inserting the information into the style, and making sure I save it to the right folder. Quick and easy, right? Well, not as easy as changing the external style sheet for the website.


This website is an excellent example of how easy it SHOULD be to change your website. You click on the link, and the reference to the style sheet changes. One line. VERY simple. Please, if you're looking at a dynamic webpage that you would EVER consider changing, consider css. For some reason, people telling me it was neater, and loaded faster never convinced me. When I'd already spent an hour changing web pages over, and I realized I was about half way done, I found this site, and I felt like a joke.

So what now?

I'm going to w3schools. I'm not messing around anymore. I want to learn to do things right, not just tweaking what everyone else has done.

Best of all, I've found FREE TRAINING for my asp.net certification right there at w3schools, and I plan to make the most of it. What does asp certification mean? Well, down here, it means $17-20/hr to start as a web designer, and a much better environment than the one I'm currently in. Good stuff, right?