Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Day.

I swear, if I hear another person say, "Singles Awareness Day," I'm going to scream. The namesake of Valentine's Day was a Saint who, above all else, so valued the love between two OTHER people that he sacrificed his life marrying them. It is NOT candy, cards, and flowers. It is NOT in making sure that everyone gets a gift and feels special.
I only realize this now because it's the first time in a while I'm single enough to care what else might be a part of such a wonderful holiday. So how do you go about celebrating something like that? What commemorates the life of St. Valentine? What does justice to that kind of self-sacrificing commitment to the ideals of love?
Well, I'm all ears, because frankly, I'm stumped. My official position is that I'll be dressing as cupid this year, and shooting lovers. Depending on how things go between now and then, it'll either be foam arrows, or airsoft guns.